Once upon a time, in a land not so far away was a wanderer. This wanderer was stuck in the labyrinth of life, doing everything to survive amid moments of silent echoes, dark corners, and mirages. One day while wandering along a beach gathering her thoughts, a shimmer of light appeared leading her down a path to an open door. Upon closer inspection, she saw that the shimmer was created by fluttering wings- a fairy was leading her! This was no ordinary door; it was a portal. Filled with excitement, the wanderer got close enough to peer through the open door and saw the vast ocean of possibilities and the life she had always wanted.
Then... suddenly as if out of nowhere, she was met with the Kraken! It created massive waves of fear and uncertainty causing the wanderer to take a step back as the portal closed. The wanderer tried to open the portal but it was locked. Without the key, getting through the portal seemed impossible. A sense of defeat washed over the wanderer. So close, yet still so far away....
She turned around to peer at the beach in whence she came from. She was greeted with her reality- the driftwood of doubt, ebbing tides of negativity, worn shells of the past, anchors of limitation, and a fog of insecurity. She asked herself if this was all that life was going to be for her.
Suddenly, as if listening to her thoughts, the fairy appeared again. In a faint whisper, she said to the wanderer, "Through Saging the Mind, you will find all you need to become who you were meant to be. Instead of simply surviving, you will be thriving." Then she floated away leaving the wanderer to decide if Saging the Mind was the answer she had been searching for.
Is this the answer she was looking for? What about you? Read on to find out.
What is Saging the Mind?
As you may have noticed, Luminara (the fairy in the logo) carries a key, rather than a wand. The process of Saging the Mind is the key to unlock the portal of your subconscious mind to access the wisdom and truths stored there so that you may become your own sage. Becoming your own sage is a three-pronged approach:
Saging the Mind's approach to becoming your own sage uses metaphors in the form of fairy tales, archetypes, and familiar characters to make the concepts more relatable to the human experience while creating a safer atmosphere to explore. Saging the Mind recognizes and honors that every individual has their own unique model of the world. Together through a co-creative process, we will identify and help you create the ocean of outcomes and desires you want and defeat the Kraken so that inner peace may be had and you become who you are meant to be!
Hidden Treasures
Next cohort starts January 2025
Open Enrollment Classes start January 2025
Private classes upon request- please contact me for more info