Tired of being the damsel in distress, I made a bold change. Leaving behind the small town in Louisiana—the familiarity of family and friends, the serenade of cicadas, the mesmerizing thunderstorms, and the vibrant celebrations of Mardi Gras—I embarked on a journey to move across the country. With everything I knew in the rear-view mirror, I headed to the Pacific Northwest- a land of lush greenery, majestic mountains and volcanoes, the Pacific Ocean, and cool, refreshing weather. In this new land, I truly believed I had left my troubles behind. I felt free to redefine myself, unchained from the past. However, I soon discovered that everything I had been running from had followed me. Despite the fresh start, I found myself still in survival mode …defensive, mistrustful, and struggling to adapt to my new environment. The loneliness was palpable, and the burnout from throwing myself into my career only compounded my struggles. Despite my efforts, I realized that the damsel in distress hadn’t disappeared; she had merely changed backdrops. After enduring many messy breakups, friendship fallouts, career burnout, and the heart-wrenching loss of the only two people who loved me unconditionally… I reached a turning point. It was then that I took a hard look in the mirror and asked myself, "Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's responsible for it all?" It was me! Caught within the confines of my own storybook, I cycled between running away and being paralyzed, all while consciously blocking the things I didn't want to face. The journey from surviving to thriving was neither quick nor linear. Over time, I invested over $100,000 in various self-help modalities, each teaching me the same crucial lesson- I am my own sage- I had within me the wisdom necessary to overcome obstacles, cleanse my mind and soul, and live with authenticity. I had the key all along that opened the portal to the subconscious mind, allowing me to heal and grow into the human I was meant to be. I have turned the page and started a new tale. No longer am I the damsel in distress of my story; I am now the white knight who saved myself.

Legendary Lore of Spring Sage

Fabled Facts

I collect fairies, dragon, and other mythical creatures. My favorite it the one pictured sitting on the ledge. (picture circa 2016)

One of my guilty pleasures that help me unwind is listening to musicals. My favorites are Moulin Rouge, Wicked, and The Greatest Showman.

My wedding was something straight out a fairytale. This fairy got to marry her gnome under a bridge with a troll and our officiant was a leprechaun.

Enchanted Honors

Certified Trauma-Informed Coach
Certified Life and Sucess Coach

Certified Master Hypnotherapist

Registered Hypnotherapist in Washington State

Certified facilitator of Chakradance for Kids

Certified Neuro-Linguistic Programming Master Practitioner

RN with specialties in NICU and Emergency Medicine

Member of the International Board of Coaches and Practitioners

Member of the International Hypnosis Association

Mentorship under Amy Rosner, PhD.

Saging the Mind's Whimsical Wingmates

Princess Marley Nola

Princess Marley Nola, affectionately known as Marley, is the newest member of the Saging the Mind tribe. Her cardinal mission is serving as the Enchantress of Well-Being for Spring, invoking timely breaks and self-care rituals. She has also ascended as the celestial essence of the company, uplifting spirits with her charismatic presence. Princess Marley Nola is enthralled by the mystical allure of water, the savory delight of beef chews, yellow plastic goblets, the warmth of fellowship, and the magic of group hugs.

Goose the Cat

The Renowned Goose the Cat has declared herself the Grand Office Overseer. At dawn, she stands ready, eager to embark on the day's grand quests, urging Spring to join her with equal fervor. With a keen eye, she ensures Spring remains focused on her duties and often makes regal appearances during non-client calls. When not presiding over the office, her cherished endeavors include observing the mortals from her vantage point and honing her skills in fly-catching.

Saging the Mind, LLC does not take the place of medical or psychotherapies. Saging the Mind, LLC nor Spring Sage are licensed to treat, diagnose, or cure any mental health, medical, or physical conditions. If you are under the care of a licensed medical or mental health provider, a referral may be needed.